Alan King
Alan King is a credit to poetry and to the DC community. He speaks truth with lyrical beauty; and his life is lived exactly so. He reaches beyond poetry to surround the field with good will. What art does not need that spiritual assistance? His own work is clear and clean, no high fat content . He means what he says and says what he means, with emotional velocity and a sense of adventure. Alan's purpose is to make poetry redefine itself, and rectify our lives. - Grace Cavalieri
Alan King is the author of DRIFT (Aquarius Press, 2012). He's also a poet and journalist who blogs about art and social issues at alanwking.com. A Cave Canem graduate fellow, he holds a Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the Stonecoast Program at the University of Southern Maine. He is the recipient of the Best City Poem of 2006 (3rd Muses Prize ), and was a 2009 and 2012 Best of the Net nominee and a two-time Pushcart Prize nominee. His work has been published in dozens of anthologies and journals including Tidal Basin Review, MiPOesias, Compass Rose, Black Arts Quarterly and Indiana Review, to name a few.
Photo: © Marlene Hawthorne Thomas
I wanted Bananas --
The Blow
Point Blank
Alan King, Photo © Thomas Sayers Ellis
Poetry, © Alan King, all rights reserved