Alexis Rotella
Alexis Rotella's images and word must be in collaboration with the Divine. She captures this life on earth - for all its beauty and wisdom - with new awareness - a sacred thing. In the art world she's fashion-forward; in the poetry world she's a prism of light. She's made a huge difference combining originality and lucidity with spirit and passion; but best of all, looking at her work is all you need to know of love. - Grace Cavalieri
Alexis Rotella's latest book of haiku Between Waves (Red Moon Press) is due out in 2015. She won the Kusamakura haiku grand-prize in 2007 where she traveled to Kumamoto, Japan. Her work is widely anthologized including Haiku Mind: 108 Poems to Cultivate Awareness and Open YourHeart (Patricia Donegan) and most recently Creative Writing: An Introduction to Poetry and Fiction (St. Martin's Press ). Having published many books in various genres she served as President of the Haiku Society of America (Japan House) and has started and edited several poetry journals.
Images © Alexis Rotella, all rights reserved