Exploring London - Trafalgar Square

by Dan Murano
January 01, 2020

The statue of British hero Horatio Lord Nelson (1758-1805) stands atop a Corinthian column 169 feet over Trafalgar Square, named for the victorious naval battle where he died battling Napoleon's forces off the coast of Spain.

The column is surrounded by four immense lions designed by British painter/sculptor Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, in the late 1860s. Each lion is 22 feet long and 20 feet high. The London Museum sits at the north end of the square.

Side view of one of the huge Landseer Lions at Trafalgar Square..


A photographer captures one of the Trafalgar Square lions.

Trafalgar Square is a great place to people-watch, and in London, one more tourist with a camera is not a big deal. You'll find photo opportunities wherever you look.


Visitors gather at the base of Nelson's column.



London is easy to navigate, but it helps to have a map.


Chalk drawings on the plaza at Trafalgar Square.



A chalk Monopoly board on Trafalgar Square plaza.


One of the Landseer Lions with the London Gallery in the background.



A child plays at the base of Nelson's Column.


The Landseer Lions are 22-feet high.

Click here for my gallery on London street photography on the new FotoSpecchio website.

© Dan Murano, all rights reserved

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