Theater reviews by Grace Cavalieri
July 10, 2023

In 1990, I took my ten-year-old granddaughter to The Studio Theater on the Shepherd University campus to see the opening of a play featuring clowns. I knew she’d enjoy it, although we sat on wooden benches, and in that July heat, were comforted only by large circular fans off-stage.

Now, in 2023, I attend state-of-the-art theaters in that small university town, each dedicated to producing first rate productions, debuting new playwrights and scripts. This year each play was a world premiere performance.

Theater Reviews by Grace Cavalieri
July 12, 2022

Genetics, Racism, Ecology, Cyberspace: CATF’s  30th year remains cutting- edge innovative theater.

The Shepherd University Festival runs from July 8-31

for more info: (800.999.catf

Review by Carolyn Grassi
What The Psychic Said
August 26, 2021

Author and poet Carolyn Grassi reviews Grace Cavalieri's collection of poems, What The Psychic Said.

What the Psychic Said promo
Grace Cavalieri, with paper and pen, her imagination wanders fresh and bold, leaving us poetry for our comprehension and delight, which has a life longer than our own.
                                                               Janice F. Booth
Shepherdstown Theater Reviews by Grace Cavalieri
Photo by Seth Freeman / CATF
July 08, 2019

The site of one of the best regional theaters in America. No other experience can top the acting, the technical, and the design expertise of this theater festival.
Photos by Seth Freeman/CATF

Off Off Broadway Reviewed by Grace Cavalieri
Photo by Bela Baptiste
March 25, 2019

Famed Arnold Schulman who wrote many hit movies (eg: Goodbye Columbus) never knew then that he’d have his latest stage play produced in New York City at age 94.

Theater reviews by Grace Cavalieri
July 10, 2018

Grace reviews five plays running now thru July 29, 2018, in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, just one hour west of Washington, D.C.

A book review by Richard Harteis:
Other Voices, Other Lives
February 12, 2018

This book represents a lifetime achievement in the literary arts. Grace Cavalieri has the Midas touch and every genre she touches turns to gold. And as the very last line of the book says, “love is the bed of gold we lie on.”

If patience were a ray or sweet word
       It would never fail here
The keen bone of quiet is like faith
        Listen to the heat
        Feel the violet view ...
It was a day much like this,
grey, with drizzle,
my mother took me visiting,
which was a big event –
She didn’t drive a car,
seldom went out.
How did we get there?