Beto Palaio
We are happy to present our September Poet, Beto Palaio, a writer and artist from Rio de Janeiro. His life is an explosion of color, beauty, creativity and enthusiasm, always good to share. - Grace Cavalieri
Beto Palaio is an art diretor who dropped out of the advertising world (in São Paulo) and wandered into the art world. He exhibited his work in Japan (Atami, Kyoto and Tokyo) after winning a prize from the Mokiti Okada Foundation. Since 2002, Beto set painting aside and began to write. He seldom writes poetry, but likes to tell stories in tales and novels. The watercolors presented here were painted in 2002. They belong to a series of 150 watercolors where the hot dripping of plastics and wax (dont do this at home) are mixed with watercolor. To write into these watercolors the artist had to create his own pens, cast from aluminium foil.
Leia um poema com lápis na mão.
(e uma idéia na cabeça)
Para marcá-lo,
escrever nas margens;
reagir a ele;
se envolver com ele.
Circule, ao ler o poema,
O que é importante,
ou lugar comum,
ou palavras repetidas.
Desenhe linhas para ligar
idéias relacionadas.
palavras difíceis
ou confusas,
tópicos intraduzíveis
passagens obscuras.
Leia o poema,
várias vezes,
se puder,
Tanto faz se
em silêncio
ou em voz alta.
Ou não leia o poema
Apenas abra o livro
E faça charme de quem lê
Como Marilyn Monroe
observando o alinhamento
do horizonte curvo do mundo
no texto em linhas retas.
Read a poem with pencil in hand.
(and an idea in the head)
Try to mark it,
write in the margins;
react to it;
engage with it.
Circle the poem as you read
What is important,
or commonplace,
or repeated words.
Draw lines to connect
related ideas,
difficult words
or confused topics,
or untranslatable
obscure passages.
Read the poem,
if you can,
as you please
or aloud.
Or do not read the poem
Just open the book
And make a charming face
As Marilyn Monroe
observing the alignment
the curved horizon of the world
her text in straight lines.

© Beto Palaio, all rights reserved